SOLENT SPORTS Petersfield Welcome to the home of Solent Sports Petersfield. Here you can find out about all the events, teams and projects going on in the Petersfield area. What we do in the Portsmouth area In Portmouth we have several recreational football nights, a vets team and a charity...
Northern Ireland
gOOD fOOTBALL GROUP nORTHERN iRELAND Newtownards Welcome to the home of GFGNI Football. Here you can find out about all the events, teams and projects going on in the Newtownards area. Whats on offer in the Newtownards area Recreational Football We offer a weekly recreational football night every Thursday evening. These games...
YRK FOOTBALL Yrk Football Welcome to the home of Yrk Football. Here you can find out about all the events, teams and projects going on in the York area. Whats on offer in the York area Recreational Football We offer a weekly recreational football night every Thursday and a Sunday morning...